

Non-hazardous Chemical Waste Transfer Station in North Chicago Illinois. The siting process included an adversarial hearing before the City of North Chicago, conceptual design of the facility and strategies for developing need theories.

New Regional Landfill in Collier County Florida. The public process involved the development of locational criteria for the landfill by a group of citizens representing a cross section of the community. The locational criteria were based on the values and concerns of the members of the committee of citizens.

3500 ton-per-day Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station, Melrose Park, Illinois.

Multi-state siting effort to site a hazardous waste disposal facility for a Fortune 50 industrial client. The search area was the states east of the Mississippi. Issues driving the siting, in addition to federal and state criteria, were environmental justice and full public disclosure.

Countywide Landfill Site Search, Oakland County, MI. The siting used state and local criteria, overlay mapping, and an interactive public process in which a cross-section of Oakland County citizens developed locational criteria using community values.

600 TPD Solid Waste Transfer Station, Bay City, MI. As part of the site assessment, a conceptual design of the transfer station was developed.

Hazardous Waste Landfill and a Solid Waste Landfill that were to "anchor" an industrial park.