

Engineering Services required to monitor the landfill operations contractor in Charles City County, VA. The project is ongoing with groundwater monitoring data interpretation, continuing construction monitoring, operations monitoring and an annual review of closure design and post closure plans.

Established the groundwork to enable the Dearborn County Solid Waste Management District to take full control of their operations. Provided a strategy to modify operations to more clearly achieve the goals of the District’s Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.

Led the Solid Waste Committee of the Joliet, Illinois, City Council in determining the most feasible solid waste disposal alternative for the Joliet for the next 20 years. The project involved identifying the residential waste generation rate for the City, identifying suitable technologies, assessing the most cost effective alternative and assisting the committee in making a recommendation before the Mayor and City Council.

Successfully privatized a new 5,000-ton per day landfill for Charles City County, Virginia. The project in response to the forced closure of the Charles City County landfill which was receiving 20 tons per day of county waste. After responding to a request for proposals in which bidders were to provide the site, design and operations plan. Each bidder presented his proposal to the citizens of Charles City County in a public meeting and the successful contractor was selected after several rounds of round-robin negotiations. The siting of the facility occurred without opposition. The primary conditions of the contract between the County and the Contractor were developed in Focus Groups with key opinion leaders in the county. The new landfill rewards the county with revenue on the order of $5 million per year.

Saved the Northeast Indiana Solid Waste Management District some $190 per ton of recyclables processed through the privatization of the District’s recyclables processing centers.

Managed the procurement of new office facilities for the Northeast Indiana Solid Waste Management District. The procurement was centered on a performance specification developed in concert with the District.

Developed the overall plan for solid waste management in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. This five year plan is based on the determination of municipal waste and special (industrial) waste generation rates in the county and was developed to encourage both residential and industrial development while maintaining cost effective recycling and disposal costs.

Successfully managed the identification of solid waste management technologies and assessed the relative merits of those technologies as part of the solid waste management planning efforts for the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The technology identification and assessment phase of the project was the corner stone of the subsequent solid waste management plan.

Evaluated the available landfill capacity and alternatives to landfill for the City of Newark, New Jersey, as part of preparation of documents to stay the closing of the Hackensack Meadowlands landfill, the largest landfill in New Jersey and the current home of the Hackensack Meadowlands Sports Complex.

Drinking Water Sludge Management Plan, DesPlains, Illinois.

Water Treatment Sludge Management Plan.

Feasibility Study of a 300 TPD of yard wastes, landscape wastes, and municipal leaf collection wastes composting facility.

Developed public participation program to obtain public acceptance of privatizing county landfill. The project would occur at no cost to the County, the project would be totally funded by increasing daily tonnage to 1000 tons. Nine hundred tons per day of waste would come from outside the county.
Geochemistry of wastewater